I’m not the only one dying for a coffee
Some things to ponder while next sipping at The Coffee Club...
Some things to ponder while next sipping at The Coffee Club...
What is your carbon footprint? What are you personally doing about pollution reduction?
Let's put the Earth right before we go off spending billions to pollute Mars...
The SolarSailor is a true hybrid vehicle, a brilliant design that deserves to do well.
Why is the tobacco industry still allowed to sell its poisons after all the experiences of the 20th century?
There were many environmental mistakes made when the West industrialised. Sixty years of lead poisoning has had deleterious effects. Now that China's growth miracle is in full swing, are they listening?
It's starting to feel like 1997, the first year we were in Singapore.
I recently saw the 2005 documentary from the UK's Channel 4 called "What Would Jesus Drive?".
Steve Irwin's demise will leave a big hole in the conservation movement.
There are fewer people these days denying that global warming is happening.
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