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Solar Taxi vs Oil Storm

By Murray Bourne, 19 Jul 2007

The Solar Taxi is a 3-wheeled solar powered car that started its world journey on 11 July 2007. The car is driven by Swiss teacher Louis Palmer.

solar taxi
The Solar Taxi [Source:]

The official site is [but it is a terrible site; badly organised (a hodge-podge of languages) and with some links going to pure advertising sites]. After a lot of persistence, I finally managed to find the English language blog Solartaxi (which has since disappeared).

I was surprised at first to read some negative comments from Off-Grid [no longer available] about Solar Taxi, but I have to agree that there seems to be a large "hype coefficient" with this venture.

However, I wish Palmer well and I hope the journey raises awareness of what has been possible for many years, and must become a reality soon.

Oil Storm

I saw the drama Oil Storm last night. This is a chilling story (made in 2005, before Katrina) of some very real possibilities, some of which have subsequently come to pass:

  • A large hurricane destroys the oil facilities in the US gulf states
  • Terrorists attack oil facilities in the Middle East
  • The US economy plunges into a depression, with shortages of all basic supplies
  • A crash on Wall Street
  • The Chinese outbid the US for oil

See the summary of Oil Storm on Wikipedia, and a trailer.

Oil's days are numbered. Sell your SUVs. Sell your Hummers. Go green.

See the 1 Comment below.

One Comment on “Solar Taxi vs Oil Storm”

  1. fireofenergy says:

    500,000 square miles of installation jobs are possible if only we can figure out how to buy enough robotic arms to mass produce batteries and solar dishes.
    Search "oil storm solar"

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