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Lies, damned lies and Bush’s press cronies

By Murray Bourne, 21 Jun 2007

Frontline's News War is an excellent investigation of the way the White House manipulated the press in the lead up to the Iraq war. It's also about the aftermath.

What major players in the debates are saying about the role of media in U.S. society - and what's ahead

Who made it?

News War is a FRONTLINE co-production in association with the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism

All 4 episodes of the TV series are available at the site and there are full transcripts of interviews with New York Times columnists, many other reporters and several media academics.

It is all riveting - and often scandalous.

The final episode, entitled War of Ideas, covers:

In the fourth hour of News War, FRONTLINE/World reporter Greg Barker travels to the Middle East to examine the rise of Arab satellite TV channels and their impact on the "war of ideas" at a time of convulsive change and conflict in the region.

A relevant quote:

Trust takes time to build,
seconds to lose
and twice as long to regain
as it did to build in the first place

See the 1 Comment below.

One Comment on “Lies, damned lies and Bush’s press cronies”

  1. Steven says:

    How much longer to the next election?

    Finally the press, and the electorate, are waking up to the folly of this man and his minders.

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