Archive for the ‘General’ Category

A Hard Day’s Bomb

Feeling that I needed a dose of nostalgia, we watched The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" yesterday. When I first watched it (in my pre-teen days) it was when Beatlemania was in full flight - and they could have produced a terrible movie about the Beatles and we would have loved it. Well, they did […]

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The Polar Express - Performance Capture CGI

The Polar Express uses Performance Capture CGI

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Propping Up The Behemoth

Is the US close to going under? The current spending spree, brought on by inflated house prices, a low-taxing and high-spending president and a crazy world that continues to buy those Treasurys like they are going out of style (which they will, soon), cannot continue indefinitely. As the US$ continues to tumble, will the central […]

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Cable TV

What is it with cable TV? There is certainly some quality on cable - if I watch anything it is Discovery Channel, Bloomberg and Australia's ABC Asia-Pacific. I guess I was naive, but I expected cable TV to be advertisement free - after all, you are paying for it. But you get this irritating ad […]

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