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From brain injury to math genius: Jason Padgett

By Murray Bourne, 17 Jun 2014

This is a fascinating story.

Jason Padgett was attacked by 2 men one night and savagely beaten. He ended up with severe concussion and an amazing new ability to "see the world through the lens of geometry".

He began to create intricate geometric art, like this image:

Padgett image

See the full story at Brain Injury Turns Man Into Math Genius. Don't miss the gallery of his art while you're there.

Alan Snyder's Savant Studies

Padgett's story reminded me of the work of Alan Snyder, the Sydney-based researcher who is able to temporarily "turn on" savant-like mathematical abilities in test subjects. (See Switching on your inner Rainman: Enhancing Creativity).

Snyder uses magnetic pulses through the brain to release what he believes are math and creative abilities inherent in all of us.

Back to Padgett's story

Padgett wouldn't change his new abilities if he could.

"It's so good, I can't even describe it," he said.

It's fascinating that Padgett has discovered the joys of math patterns, but it's very sad it took a violent event to bring it about.

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