What is a math teacher worth?
Why do we pay football players more than math teachers?
Why do we pay football players more than math teachers?
Is pure mathematics worth doing? Should students always see an immediate application for what they are doing?
The Univeristy of California at San Diego has developed interesting teacher preparation courses called "Teaching Math: The Challenge" and "Teaching Science: The Challenge".
CYBERCHASE is an animated TV show with an associated interactive website and it promotes mathematics learning.
Lloyd Banks says: "I wanted to know how to count my money, so I love math."
I came across a calculus blog where the contributions are made by the math class. They also have a wiki for sharing solutions to math problems.
The Regional Applied Math Project (RAMP) gets math teachers to work in the "real world" for 40 hours and write up their observations on how mathematics is used in the workplace.
Do girls learn mathematics better than boys, or just differently?
I saw the SMART Board interactive whiteboard at ICET last week. It has a lot of potential for encouraging collaborative learning.
I enjoyed this math "news" item entitled "Weapons of math instruction"
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