Why the surge of interest in math?
Why was there a surge of interest in posts containing "math" on May 25/26 and during the first 10 days of June?
Why was there a surge of interest in posts containing "math" on May 25/26 and during the first 10 days of June?
Japanese textbooks "don't immediately tell you how to solve [math problems]. If you immediately tell children how to solve things it can short-circuit thinking".
There are lessons in this program for deaf children - all learners would benefit from incorporating similar conditions.
On 25th July I had a surge of visitors to my posts on Heymath (Friedman & HeyMath - but how do you get in? and Heymath Update - I'm in. I was intrigued why there was a surge and now I know. On the 24th July, BBC ran an article How maths can be great […]
There is a moral dilemma when it comes to teaching probability. Are we in danger of promoting gambling? Should we worry about it?
Reasoning Mind was developed by a Russian mathematician because "he had a dismal opinion of American education, from kindergarten through high school." (TMC.net) His method is Web-based and uses artificial intelligence to move the student through the learning. Some things that caught my eye: "Learning how to think and reason". Great - too much of […]
I keep getting odd questions from the Question facility in Interactive Mathematics. This question has no return name or email address, so how can I follow it up? How am I supposed to answer it? Give me a break... how to use various mathematical sign If students are not educated in a context of question […]
Our left and right brains switch for control of our consciousness, affecting what we give attention to.
An opinion piece by Ruth Peters in USA Today, "Summer reading lists are OK, but math is where kids lag" [no longer available, but cited in Math in the Media], bemoans the poor level of math skills in the US. She mentions that many students get a reading list for the summer holidays (how many […]
The Accra Daily Mail newspaper (in Ghana) has an interesting and impassioned article from a mathematics educator who would like to see an improvement in the state of mathematics and science education. In "Improving Math and Science in Our School" [no longer available], Okyere Bonna reminds her readers that Ghana came 44th out of the […]
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