Archive for the ‘Learning mathematics’ Category

SodaPlay simulations

Bipod from SodaPlay SodaPlay allows the user to create interesting shapes connected by springs. It’s a fun way to learn some physics.

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Youth comparison study - Hong Kong, Shanghai and U.S.

How widespread is testing and instant messaging among 15 to 21 year-olds? How many of them read?

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Nursing Entrance Test - for mathematicians or nurses?

What math should nurses learn? Should it include algebra and rational numbers?

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Why East Asians do well in math

Students in East Asian countries (Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong) do better in international math tests than their Western counterparts. Why?

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Math is the best job

It’s official. Be a mathematician and enjoy the "best job in America".

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TIMSS 2007 - How are we all doing in math?

The 2007 TIMSS report shows that Asian countries are still winners when it comes to math performance.

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Financial literacy for students

Why is the world descending into a financial meltdown? Lack of financial math knowledge on the part of consumers and financial institutions has a lot to do with it. Here's a resource that aims to improve the situation.

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Girls as good as boys in math - or is it something else?

A recent study shows that girls are as good as boys in mathematics.

But what did the study really reveal?

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Math problem solving and brain activity

How should we solve a math word problem? What goes on in the brain when we are solving such math problems?

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Singapore math - some research on its strengths

Singapore consistently beats other countries in international competitions in science and mathematics. What is it doing right?

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