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Analyzing Teaching

By Murray Bourne, 31 Dec 2004

Review: 2-part CD-ROM Analyzing Teaching is based on videos of classroom experiences. The format is quite nice since it is all on the CD-ROM: the videos, the introductions and even a reflective journal which can be printed from the application.

There are 4 different lessons analysed on the CD-ROM:

  1. 3rd Grade Language
  2. 7th Grade English
  3. 9th Grade Algebra
  4. 12th Grade Social Studies

In the 9th Grade algebra class it was good to see concrete objects being used to help in concept development. The students were doing pattern recognition and coming up with quadratic expressions. (Then claiming it was addressing 'problem solving in the real world'. Really? But that is another story...)

In the 12th Grade class, the RAFT (Role/Ausdience/Format/Topic) method is used to involve students personally in the content - they are able to be creative since they write based on their imagined involvement in the situation. This would be a useful technique for Interdisciplinary Studies classes.


  • The designers of the software could have done a better job of informing the user about the required Acrobat and Quicktime plugins (it tells you that you need them, then tells you that you already have them and that it is probably not necessary to install them. Say what?)
  • The handouts are identical to the reflective journal within the application and have somewhat strange questions, like: "Before Viewing. Consider your professional development goals as they relate to the following:" [sic]
  • There are 3 strands - Leading the Learning, Reflecting on my Practice, Staff Development Template - that's great, but when you finish one strand, you have to exit the program to be able to start the next one.

Gripes aside, I would recommend that educators spend some time with this CD-ROM. Observe the small group techniques being used, observe the flexible use of the classroom furniture, observe the engagement of the students.

Made by Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN: 0-87120-811-3.

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