EduSim - free 3D multi-user virtual world
By Murray Bourne, 14 Jul 2008
EduSim is interesting and has a lot of potential.
As their blurb says:
Edusim is a free opensource 3D multi-user virtual world specifically for your classroom interactive whiteboard. Edusim is extendable allowing multiple classrooms to connect their interactive whiteboards for collaborative learning session.
Here's a video showing how engaging EduSim can be.
Yes, EduSim is engaging and clearly a lot of fun for the little kids shown in the movie. Edusim provide some lesson ideas, including one on geometry (whose screenshot didn't look too exciting to me).
I'm wondering about applications for older kids. Like SecondLife, probably EduSim's greatest potential is in getting the students to build new 3-D worlds. There is scope for learning about 3-D geometry there.
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