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IntMath Newsletter: Biorhythm and parabola graphs

By Murray Bourne, 17 Jan 2012

17 January 2012

In this Newsletter:

1. Biorhythm graphs
2. Interactive parabola graphs
3. Space scientist turns math teacher
4. Latest IntMath Poll - individual study
5. Friday Math Movies
6. Final thought - Sharpen your math tools

Welcome back, everyone! Here's hoping you all have a successful and happy 2012.

1. Biorhythm Graphs

Biorhythm graphs are an interesting - but unscientific - application of sine curves

Biorhythm graphs are an interesting - but unscientific - application of sine curves. Biorhythms promise to predict your likely mood, your performance on a test or maybe how well you will run a race. None of it is true... but we can still learn some interesting math!

Enter your own birthday and see what kind of day is coming your way (then, don't believe it!).

Biorhythm Graphs

2. Interactive parabola graphs

Interactive parabola graphs

I've added a new page containing 3 interactive graphs which explain parabola concepts.

Interactive parabola graphs

3. Space scientist turns math teacher

Dave's story

Dave tells us about his interesting working career that often involved math, and how he recently became a math teacher.

Space scientist turns math teacher

4. Latest IntMath Poll

Study math in a group?

The recent IntMath Poll asked readers if they usually study for math tests alone or with friends. In Asia it is very common to see students in groups frantically helping each other as tests draw near.

But overall, most of you prefer to study alone. Poll results:


With a group of friends

With one friend

The current poll asks how you feel about math. You can vote on any page in IntMath.

5. Friday math movies

Studio School

(a) The Studio School

Is this a viable answer to the many problems experienced by mainstream schools? Studio School appears to be a successful experiment that aims to engage students with meaningful learning.

Friday math movie: The Studio School

Using slope of a line to solve a magic trick

(b) Using slope to bust a magic trick

Where did the missing square go? We can use slopes of lines to solve this puzzle.

Friday math movie: Using slope to bust a magic trick

6. Final thought - sharpen your math tools

When it comes to math, "sharpening your tools" could mean knowing the basics well, and it could also mean improving attention and concentration. Let's see what the famous Chines philosopher had to say about it:

The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the craftsman who would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools. [Confucius]

Until next time, enjoy whatever you learn.

See the 2 Comments below.

2 Comments on “IntMath Newsletter: Biorhythm and parabola graphs”

  1. dilli prasad sapkota says:

    Goodafternoon sir,Thank you for this informative mathematical article.I was wating since a long time like this article.I think we had a long gap these days,i want to less these gap about the information.

  2. Murray says:

    Hello Dilli. As explained in the December IntMath Newsletter, very few people are interested in math during the Christmas & New Year period. So the IntMath Newsletter has a chance to take a short holiday, too!

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