Archive for the ‘Intmath Newsletters’ Category
17 February 2012
In this Newsletter:
1. Interactive ellipse graphs
2. Wolfram's Education Portal
3. Puzzle
4. IntMath Poll: Feelings about math
5. Friday math movies
6. Final thought - moving slowly
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 25 Comments »
31 January 2012
In this Newsletter:
1. Google International Science Fair
2. "e" day next week (2/7)
3. The Versa Ruler
4. Answerify - a new forum
5. AutoGraph software review
6. Friday math movies
7. Final thought - make it creative
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 3 Comments »
17 January 2012
In this Newsletter:
1. Biorhythm graphs
2. Interactive parabola graphs
3. Space scientist turns math teacher
4. Latest IntMath Poll - individual study
5. Friday Math Movies
6. Final thought - Sharpen your math tools
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 2 Comments »
14 December 2011
In this Newsletter:
1. Math takes a holiday, too
2. New Google Search feature - graphs of functions
3. Most popular IntMath Newsletter stories in 2011
4. Most popular IntMath tweets for 2011
5. Math trends for 2012 (job opportunities in math)
6. IntMath Poll: Calculators in math class
7. Friday math movie: U + Me = Us (calculus)
8. Final thought: No regrets
9. Season's Greetings and coming up
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 3 Comments »
30 November 2011
In this Newsletter:
1. Explore basic graph concepts and understand them better
2. My dilemma - ethical math help
3. Resources
4. Twitter favorites and updates
5. Friday math movies
6. Final thought - mistakes and learning
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 2 Comments »
10 November 2011
1. YouTube to pay for videos: Numberphile
2. The murderous math teacher of S-21
3. Geometry in Art - free PDF book
4. How to visually find the greatest common divisor
5. Math polls
6. Resource: nrich
7. Friday math movie: Pipe Dream by Animusic
8. Final thought - showing up
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 5 Comments »
27 October 2011
In this Newsletter:
1. 7 billion people next week
2. Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival #16
3. Singapore's food vulnerability
4. Why Randomly-Selected Politicians Would Improve Democracy
5. Puzzles
6. Friday math movie: Symphony of Science
7. Final thought: Find your passion
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | One Comment »
7 October 2011
In this Newsletter:
1. How to make math class interesting
2. Trigonometry joke
3. Google computational thinking
4. Free online GeoGebra course
5. Math Puzzle: Solution and new one
6. Friday math movie: Intel Schools of Distinction winner
7. Final thought: luck
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 7 Comments »
21 September 2011
In this Newsletter:
1. Length of an Archimedean Spiral
2. 1000 blog posts. What's next?
3. Resources
4. Poll results
5. Puzzle
6. Friday math movies
7. Final thought: Secret of getting ahead
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 5 Comments »
5 September 2011
In this Newsletter:
1. Golden Spiral
2. Math e-Books for $0
3. 13 yr-old designs efficient solar collectors using Fibonacci and trees
4. Wolfram's new Computable Document Format
5. Math Puzzle: Solution and new one
6. Friday math movies
7. Final thought: Powerful weapon
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 12 Comments »
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