Archive for the ‘Intmath Newsletters’ Category

IntMath Newsletter: Math for plumbing, MS Math 4, SGD

In this Newsletter:

1. Learn math for plumbing?
2. Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 - now for $0
3. Singapore dollar - backed by gold
4. Friday math movies
5. Poll results
6. Puzzles
7. Final thought: Shaping our lives

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IntMath Newsletter: Reflecting graphs, data and efficient lawn mowing

In this Newsletter:

1. How to reflect a graph through the x-axis, y-axis or Origin?
2. data visualization
3. Resource: Thinkfinity
4. Friday math movie: Time to re-design medical data
5. Mow your lawn efficiently - use math!
6. Puzzles
7. Final thought: Greatness

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Newsletter: Trig intro, exact values sine, puzzle, mobile

What is trigonometry all about? Finding exact values for the sine of all angles,
Teacher resource: Teachnology, math movies, Doing things right

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IntMath Newsletter: Graph plotter, visual math

In this Newsletter:

1. Summer math brain drain
2. Resource - Graph plotter using JSXGraph
3. Poll results and new poll
4. Visual design for math teachers
5. Friday math movies
6. Resource - Teachers’ Domain
7. Final thought – ambitions

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IntMath Newsletter: Quadratics, resources, tips and math movies

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tip: Finding a quadratic function from its graph
2. IntMath Poll: What stresses you?
3. Resource: Flat World Knowledge
4. Math tip: Understanding math formulas
5. Is there a place for invention in math?
6. Friday math movies
7. Final thought: perseverance

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IntMath Newsletter: Graph dispute, math resources and capabilities

In this Newsletter:

1. Resource: Top 10 math help sites
2. Which is the correct graph of arccot x?
3. Math tip: Learning math formulas
4. Friday math movie: OK Go This Too Shall Pass
5. Math resource: NSDL
6. Final thought: capabilities

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IntMath Newsletter: DUI, math dancing and printing a kidney

In this Newsletter:

1. Events this month
2. Human error causes problems in drink-driving cases
3. Wolfram's math demonstrations - now easier to use
4. Math in your feet
5. What is a circle?
6. Friday math movies: Printing a human kidney and Salman Khan
7. Resource: PBS Teachers
8. Final thought – giving

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IntMath Newsletter: Free resources, derivative from first principles

In this Newsletter:

1. Free resource: Study Tips from Cornell University
2. Have your say - how should math education be changed?
3. Free resource: Space Math @ NASA
4. Derivative of square root of sine x by first principles
5. GeoGebra is part of Google Summer of Code 2011
6. Lesson idea for order of operations
7. Final thought – enthusiasm

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IntMath Newsletter: Pi Day, new obesity index, resources

14 Mar 2011 - Pi Day

In this Newsletter:

1. Latest feedback - IntMath reduces math anxiety
2. Let's drop pi
3. New measure of obesity - body adiposity index (BAI)
4. Resource - FREE (Federal Resources for Educational Excellence)
5. Friday math movies: (a) Pi Day Song and (b) Conrad Wolfram on Teaching kids real math with computers
6. Final thought – Positive results

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IntMath Newsletter: quadratic, resources, pentatonic and MathJax

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tip - Quadratic formula by completing the square - easier method
2. Resource - Curriki (a curriculum wiki)
3. More funny GraphJam graphs
4. Friday math movie: pentatonic scale
5. MathJax - render math on the Web on all browsers
6. Final thought – things that count

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