Archive for the ‘Intmath Newsletters’ Category
9 February 2011
In this Newsletter:
1. Math tip: Happy "e" Day
2. Funny graphs - from GraphJam
3. Math tip: Multiplying matrices
4. Friday math movie: Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes
5. Math tip: Determining economic risk - Black Scholes formula
6. Friday math movie: Doodling in math class - binary trees
7. Final thought – security
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Tags: Graphs
13 January 2011
In this Newsletter:
1. Happy new multicultural year
2. Inverse of a matrix by Gauss-Jordan elimination
3. Who lives there? Visual stats and social engineering
4. Twitter follower semi-log graphs
5. 500 billion words: visual stats give us cultural insights
6. Final thought: persistence
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 3 Comments »
9 December 2010
In this Newsletter:
1. Resource - real life math topics
2. Thanksgiving for less math?
3. Math anxiety Bill of Rights
4. What did Euclid really say about geometry?
5. Tan lines
6. Christmas math
7. Final thought – success
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 3 Comments »
17 November 2010
In this Newsletter:
1. Resource: Math, physics and engineering applets
2. Use it or lose it
3. Math tip: Integration by parts twice
4. Friday math movies
5. Resource: Free graph paper PDFs
6. Latest Feedback on IntMath
7. Final thought: Never too old to learn
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 4 Comments »
28 October 2010
1. Math application: 20/20 vision and trigonometry
2. Math application: Statistics and wealth distribution
3. Math tip: The slope of the trigonometric curves
4. Friday math movies: Math education and cell animations
6. Final thought: Dealing with mistakes
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 6 Comments »
6 October 2010
In this Newsletter:
1. Math tip: unit circles
2. Why do people use gmail most on Saturdays?
3. Math tip: Implicit functions (I heart math)
4. Resource: Free math graph software
5. Friday math movie: Mandelbox Trip
6. Final thought - enthusiasm
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 6 Comments »
10 September 2010
In this Newsletter:
1. Resource: Lumosity brain games
2. Music and transformation geometry
3. What does Japan's history tell us about the DJIA's future?
4. Impossible integral question
5. Friday math movie: Math of rock climbing
6. Final thought: water
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 8 Comments »
26 August 2010
In this Newsletter:
1. The equal sign: more trouble than it’s worth?
2. Application: Ellipses and Composite trigonometric graphs
3. Back to school tips
4. Friday math movie: Right brain math
5. Final thought: Just do it!
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 4 Comments »
11 August 2010
In this Newsletter:
1. Number Sense
2. Math resource - Wolfram|Alpha
3. Math tip: Irrational numbers
4. Taxicab Geometry
5. Friday math movies: (a) Smarter Math (b) Murderous Math Tricks
6. Final thought - Do something meaningful
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 8 Comments »
23 July 2010
In this Newsletter:
1. Math of the great summer brain drain
2. Math tip: Radius of Curvature, an application of differentiation
3. Slope of the logarithm curve at any point
4. Friday math movie - Khan's Academy
5. How to import GeoGebra files into JSXGraph
6. Final thought – stay positive
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Posted in Intmath Newsletters category | 16 Comments »
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