Archive for the ‘Intmath Newsletters’ Category

Intmath Newsletter - resources, summation, Riemann, census

In this Newsletter:

1. Latest feedback on IntMath
2. Resource - free online math calculators
3. Math tip: Summation notation
4. Math tip: Riemann Sums
5. Friday math movie: Tribute to Martin Gardner
6. 2010 Census in USA and Singapore
7. Final thought – looking for new skills

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IntMath Newsletter: radians, graphs, math class

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tip: Radians
2. JSXGraph - Interactive javascript graphs
3. Video: Math class needs a makeover
4. IntMath Poll result - best time to study math?
5. Final thought – Contemplating nature

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IntMath Newsletter: logarithms, arches, body math and habits

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tip: Logarithms - a visual introduction
2. Is the Gateway Arch a parabola?
3. Visual Math
4. IntMath Poll result - Why are you here?
5. Engineering and evolution
6. Recent feedback
7. Final thought – Habits

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Intmath Newsletter - Tests, rice, Gamma and Poisson

21 April 2010

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tests and Rice Paddies
2. Tanzalin Method for easier Integration by Parts
3. Factorials and the Gamma Function
4. Maximum value of a Poisson Distribution
5. IntMath Poll result - Who are you?
6. Current IntMath Poll
7. Also on the Math Blog
8. Final thought – KIPP and opportunities

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IntMath Newsletter - cookies, heartbeats and Fourier

In this Newsletter:

1. Cookie jars and tessellations
2. Your heartbeat and Fourier Series
3. IntMath Poll - Math and Real-world Problems
4. Latest IntMath Poll - Who are you?
5. Math Awareness Month April 2010
6. Latest from the Math Blog
7. Final thought – Commitment to excellence

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IntMath Newsletter: Functions, Gini Coefficient, math anxiety

In this Newsletter

1. Math tip (a) – Functions
2. Math tip (b) – Gini Coefficient
3. Math in the news - Math Anxiety
4. Latest from the Math Blog
5. Final thought - Attention

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Intmath Newsletter - Graphs, pharmacokinetics, color blindness

In this Newsletter

1. Math tip (a) – Graphs using free math software
2. Math tip (b) – Math of drugs and bodies (pharmacokinetics)
3. Latest IntMath Poll - math applications
4. Latest from the Math Blog
5. Final thoughts

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Intmath Newsletter - Length of an arc, what’s new, goals

In this Newsletter

1. What's new on IntMath; and plans for 2010
2. Math tip -Length of an arc
3. Subscribe, connect & communicate with IntMath
4. Latest from the Math Blog
5. Final thought - Goals

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IntMath Newsletter - Proofs, holidays, looking back

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tip (a) – Proofs that 2 = 1
2. Math tip (b) – Holidays, calendars and math
3. IntMath Poll – History
4. Most popular articles during 2009
5. Latest from the Math Blog
6. Final thought – Perfection

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IntMath Newsletter - math symbols, what is math, weekend math study

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tip (a) - Where did those math symbols come from?
2. Math tip (b) - What is math?
3. Latest IntMath Poll - weekend math study
4. GIS Day on 18 Nov
5. From the Math Blog
6. Final thought - GOALS

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