Archive for the ‘Intmath Newsletters’ Category

IntMath Newsletter - Polar graphs, microphones, BAD stats, productive stress

1. Math tip (a) - Polar graphs and microphones
2. Math tip (b) - Real statistics - Blog Action Day
3. Math tip (c) - Productive stress
4. From the Math Blog
5. Final thought - Learning forever

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IntMath Newsletter - H1N1 and the logistic equation, Google Docs

1. Math tip (a) – H1N1 and the Logistic Equation
2. Math tip (b) – Equation editor in Google Docs
3. IntMath Poll
4. From the Math Blog
5. Final thought – Never give up!

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IntMath Newsletter - Math in emails, vector fields, hard fun

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tip (a) - How to send an email containing math
2. Math tip (b) - Vector fields
3. Math tip (c) - Hard fun
4. From the Math Blog
5. Final thought - Reading the universe

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IntMath Newsletter - Math tools for school, world population

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tip (a) - Top math tools for school
2. Math tip (b) - Current world population; exponential growth
3. Latest IntMath Poll
4. From the Math Blog
5. Final thought - Keep it simple!

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IntMath Newsletter - Modeling

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tip (a) Modeling linear functions
2. Math tip (b) Modeling parabolic functions
3. Changing lives
4. From the Math Blog
5. Final thought: Difficulties

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IntMath Newsletter - resources, modeling and mistakes

In this Newsletter:

1. Math tip A: Great list of math resources
2. Math tip B: Modeling
3. Math tip C: Summer math
4. Latest IntMath Poll
5. From the Math Blog
6. Final thought: making mistakes

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IntMath Newsletter - WolframAlpha, point of inflection

In this Newsletter:
1. Math tip (a) - Studying for math exams
2. Math tip (b) - Wolfram Alpha
3. Math tip (c) - Point of Inflection and house prices
4. From the Math Blog
5. Final thought - who are your real friends?

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IntMath Newsletter - Metric system, sine and cosine

In this Newsletter:
1. 20th May is World Metrology Day
2. Math tip - Where did "sine" and "cosine" come from?
3. Latest IntMath poll
4. Feedback on IntMath
5. From the Math Blog
6. Final thought - The road to truth

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IntMath Newsletter - Overcoming fear of math tests, free calculus book

In this Newsletter:

1. Math Tip - Overcoming fear of math tests
2. Math Tip - An excellent free calculus text book
3. The forgetting curve
4. From the Math Blog
5. Final Thought - Thinking you can

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IntMath Newsletter - Drawing graphs, fear of math tests

In this Newsletter:

1. Math Tip - Drawing graphs
2. Easter and Passover
3. Latest IntMath Poll - The biggest fear is Math tests
4. From the Math Blog
5. Final Thought - How we see things

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