The IntMath Newsletter - 21 Sep 2008
In this Newsletter:
1. Math tip - Hexadecimal Numbers
2. Encryption - and a challenge
3. Current IntMath Poll - Math Anxiety
4. From the math blog
5. Final thought
In this Newsletter:
1. Math tip - Hexadecimal Numbers
2. Encryption - and a challenge
3. Current IntMath Poll - Math Anxiety
4. From the math blog
5. Final thought
In this Newsletter:
1. Lessons from the Olympics
2. Math tip - Inflation and Hyperinflation
3. The latest IntMath Poll
4. From the math blog
5. What does September mean at your school?
In this Newsletter:
1. Finding Square Roots - without a calculator
2. The Story of Rene Descartes
3. From the math blog
4. Math Study Tip - Time
In this Newsletter:
1. Current math events
2. Math tips - (a) Math Dictionary; (b) Numerical methods
3. Poll results - summer math
4. From the math blog
5. Your brain and math
In this Newsletter:
1. IntMath future development - survey results
2. Math tip - Solving math word problems
3. From the math blog
4. Some brain math
In this Newsletter
1. Math tip - Improve your math grades during your summer break
2. Recommendation - Math videos on DVD
3. Latest IntMath Poll
4. From the Math Blog
In this Newsletter:
1. Oops - repeated Newsletters
2. Math tips - (a) Slope-intercept form; (b) Are you future-proof?
3. From the math blog
4. Believe in yourself
In this Newsletter:
1. New in Interactive Mathematics - Vectors
2. Math tips - (a) Temperatures; (b) Exam fear
3. Latest IntMath Poll
4. RSS feeds for the Math Blog
5. From the math blog
6. Money and happiness
In this Newsletter
1. Welcome to new subscribers
2. Math tips - (a) Statistics; (b) Study groups
3. Latest IntMath Poll
4. Joshua, a satisfied reader
5. From the math blog
6. The source of everything
In this Newsletter
1. Earth Day Math
2. Math tips - a. I dunno how to do; b. Use the resources
3. From the math blog
See the blog sitemap for all previous articles.
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