Archive for the ‘Intmath Newsletters’ Category

The IntMath Newsletter - July 2007

In this newsletter:
1. July's math tips
2. What's new - Shadow Factory
3. Latest Poll
4. From the math blog - Isaac newton, climate change

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The IntMath Newsletter - June 2007

In this newsletter:
1. This month's math tip
2. Apology for name inclusion
3. Downtime on Sunday 17th June
4. Poll results
5. Latest from the math blog

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The IntMath Newsletter - May 2007

In this newsletter:
1. This month’s math tip
2. Latest testimonials
3. Latest revisions in Interactive Mathematics
4. Latest from the math blog

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The IntMath Newsletter - April 2007

In this newsletter:
1. This month's math tip
2. Earth Day
3. Latest IntMath Revisions
4. Latest from the math blog

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The IntMath Newsletter - Mar 2007

In this newsletter:
1. This month’s math tips
2. Pi Day
3. What’s new
4. From the math blog

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The IntMath Newsletter - Feb 2007

In this newsletter:
1. This month's math tips
2. Chinese New Year
3. Latest Revisions
4. From the math blog

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The IntMath Newsletter - Jan 2007

In this newsletter:
1. This month's math tips
2. What's new
3. From the math blog

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The IntMath Newsletter - Dec 2006

In this newsletter:
1. Christmas, Hari Raya and New Year
2. This month's math tips
3. Bouquets on Interactive Mathematics
4. Latest from the math blog

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The IntMath Newsletter - Nov 2006

In this newsletter:
1. Real life math example - Toto
2. This month's math tip
3. Latest from the math blog

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The IntMath Newsletter - Oct 2006

In this newsletter:
1. Tom's money math problems
2. This month's math tip
3. Latest from the math blog

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