IntMath Newsletter: Computational essays, random numbers
In this Newsletter:
1. New on IntMath
2. Resources: Computational essays
3. Math in the news: Random numbers
4. Math movies
5. Math puzzle: Parking
6. Final thought: Eating plastic
In this Newsletter:
1. New on IntMath
2. Resources: Computational essays
3. Math in the news: Random numbers
4. Math movies
5. Math puzzle: Parking
6. Final thought: Eating plastic
1. New on IntMath
2. Resources: CalcPad and flim-flam
3. Math in the news: Computer vision
4. Math movies
5. Math puzzle: Book mark
6. Final thought: Bitcoin
1. Math art in code
2. Resource: Making graphs easier to understand
3. Math in the news: Truly random numbers
4. Math movies
5. Math puzzle: Sum the digits
6. Final thought: Truth
1. New on IntMath: Shell method
2. Resource: Mathpix
3. Math in the news and Math movie: Bitcoin
4. Math puzzle: Triangles
5. Final thought: No more cars?
1. New applet: Calculus first principles
2. Resource: ImmersiveMath
3. Math in the news: Proof School, GPU problem solvers
4. Math movie: Inspiration
5. Math puzzle: Intersecting parabolas
6. Final thought: Tenants
In this Newsletter:
0. Hiatus
1. Revised applet: Double Springs Interactive Graph
2. Resource: Wolfram Data Repository
3. Math in the news: Going Viral
4. Math movie: Maps
5. Math puzzle: Sequence formulas
6. Final thought: Learners
In this Newsletter:
1. New applet: Piano note frequencies interactive
2. Resource: Continued fractions
3. Math in the news: Space filling
4. Math movie: One in a million
5. Math puzzle: clock
6. Final thought: Really worth the doing
In this Newsletter:
1. New applet: Quadratic function graphs
2. Resource: Cymath
3. Math in the news: Math is not static
4. Math movie: Food and your brain
5. Math puzzles
6. Final thought: Age
In this Newsletter:
1. New applet: Domain and range exploration
2. Resource: Azure Machine Learning Studio
3. Math in the news: Riemann hypothesis
4. Math movie: Is math discovered or invented?
5. Math puzzles: Bees
6. Final thought: Bees
In this Newsletter:
1. What's the correct graph of sec(arccos(x))?
2. Resource: Science GIFs
3. Math in the news: income inequality
4. Math movie: Benjamin Banneker
5. Math puzzles
6. Final thought: Priorities
See the blog sitemap for all previous articles.
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