Archive for the ‘Intmath Newsletters’ Category

IntMath Newsletter: Interactive 3D graph, Polymath

In this Newsletter:

1. New 3D interactive graph
2. Over 70 interactives
3. Roller door problem and Polymath software
4. Math in the news
5. Math puzzles
6. Math movie: Math symbols in ancient rock art?
7. Final thought: Mathematical habits of mind

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IntMath Newsletter: Inverse animations, finding quintic functions

In this Newsletter:

1. Inverse trigonometric graph animations
2. How do you find the function for a given quintic curve?
3. Math in the news
4. Math puzzles
5. Math movies: 3Blue1Brown
6. Final thought: Keep trying

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IntMath Newsletter: squaring circle, lens fillet, data visualization

In this Newsletter:

1. Squaring the circle - a reader's approach
2. IntMath Forum - latest post
3. Resource: The best Data Visualization tools
4. Math puzzles
5. Math movies: 8 videos that prove math is awesome
6. Final thought: Preparation for tomorrow

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IntMath Newsletter: Forum, pistons, Shodor

In this Newsletter:

1. New: IntMath Forum
2. Piston curve
3. Resource: Shodor Interactivate
4. Math puzzles
5. Math movies: Misleading statistics
6. Final thought: Resolutions, 1% at a time

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IntMath Newsletter: Reuleaux triangles, hour of code

In this Newsletter:

1. Reuleaux triangles
2. Butterfly map of the world
3. Resource: Hour of code
4. Most popular stories in 2015
5. Math puzzles
6. Math movie: Rubik's cube and pianos
7. Final thought: head knowledge or skills?

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IntMath Newsletter: Rankbrain, Wallis, log-log and scalars

In this Newsletter:

1. Math in the news
2. Resource: Semilog and log-log page
3. Is a 1x1 matrix a scalar?
4. Math puzzles
5. Math movies: Comics that ask "what if?"
6. Final thought: Just do it!

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IntMath Newsletter: Cubes and cars

In this Newsletter:

1. Is cube root the same as raising to the power 1/3?
2. Resources: Mathematics in car research
3. Math puzzles
4. Math movies: Space Time
5. Final thought: Kindness

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IntMath Newsletter: Sampling, svgPHPGrapher

In this Newsletter:

1. Sampling
2. Resource: svgPHPGrapher
3. Application of hyperbolic decay
4. Math puzzle
5. Math movie: Jim Simons
6. Final thought: Haze

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IntMath Newsletter: Binary scientific notation, math game

In this Newsletter:

1. Binary numbers in scientific notation
2. Math game: Antiderivative Block
3. Math puzzles
4. Math movie: Math is forever
5. Final thought: When the last fish...

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IntMath Newsletter: Newton’s Method, Desmos activities

In this Newsletter:

1. New interactive graph: Newton's Method
2. Newton's Method, accuracy and floating point numbers
3. Resource: Desmos Activities
4. Math puzzles
5. Math movie: Talks for people who hated math in high school
6. Final thought: Success often means failure first

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