Archive for the ‘Intmath Newsletters’ Category

IntMath Newsletter: Math carnival, new interactives, graphing letters

In this Newsletter:

1. Carnival of Mathematics #114
2. Updated Graphs of tan, cot, sec and csc
3. Graphing letters
4. Math puzzles
5. Asking questions

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IntMath Newsletter: Latest applets, visual math

In this Newsletter:

1. Latest interactive math applets
2. Resource - Context Free Art
3. Color Blindness graph simulator
4. IntMath Poll results
5. Math puzzles
6. Final thought - What is the point of education?

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IntMath Newsletter: Arc length of paraboloid spiral, brain injury to math genius

In this Newsletter:

1. Arc length of a spiral around a paraboloid
2. Padgett - from brain injury to math genius
3. Thank you, volunteers
4. Math puzzles
5. Final thought - Asking good questions

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IntMath Newsletter: Wu’s squaring trick, PatrickJMT, Google calculus

In this Newsletter:

1. Wu's squaring trick
2. Resource - PatrickJMT math videos
3. Google uses integration to speed up the Web
4. Volunteers wanted!
5. Math puzzles
6. Friday math movie: 5 Quick Math Tricks for Filmmakers
7. Final thought - walking and problem solving

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IntMath Newsletter: Pulleys, Teraplot, primes

In this Newsletter:

1. Pulleys interactive applet: background
2. Teraplot LT
3. Math puzzles
4. Friday math movie: Falling in love with primes
5. Producer or consumer?

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IntMath Newsletter: Curved surface solution, Mathapedia

In this Newsletter:

1. Solution for the range hood problem
2. Resource - Mathapedia
3. IntMath polls
4. Math puzzles
5. Friday math movie - 8 math talks to blow your mind
6. Final thought - Despicable

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IntMath Newsletter: z-Table interactive graph, CK-12 resource, range hood

In this Newsletter:

1. New z-Table interactive graph
2. Resource:
3. Math puzzles
4. Friday math movie: Complex numbers in math class
5. Final thought: Giving

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IntMath Newsletter: Open source textbooks, math of beauty

In this Newsletter:

Resource: Open source textbooks
Updated math interactive - Math of beauty
IntMath Polls
Math puzzle
Friday math movie - Sand images drawing machines
Final thought - School for the soul

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IntMath Newsletter: Solving log equations, graphs

In this Newsletter:

1. When does log(x − 3) = log x − log 3?
2. Updated math interactives
3. IntMath poll
4. Math puzzles
5. Friday math movie - Smart failure
6. Final thought - Learning to learn

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IntMath Newsletter: Resources, primes, matrix app and role models

In this Newsletter:

1. Resources for the new school year
2. Prime Gaps
3. Math interactive: matrix applet
4. Math puzzles
5. Friday math movies
6. Final thought - Choosing the best role model

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