Archive for the ‘Intmath Newsletters’ Category

IntMath Newsletter: Headphones, Desmos, Ada, impedance interactive

In this Newsletter:

1. How do noise canceling headphones work?
2. Complex numbers interactive
3. Math tool: Desmos Graphing Calculator
4. Ada's story
5. Math puzzles
6. Friday math movies
7. Final thought - doing nothing

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IntMath Newsletter: Halloween, GeoGebra resource

In this Newsletter:

1. What happened to the IntMath Newsletter?
2. Math-inspired Halloween Pumpkin
3. Resource: GeoGebra Examples
4. Intmath polls
5. Math puzzles
6. Friday math movies
7. Final thought - overalls

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IntMath Newsletter: No cost math books, math in art, Manga Guide review

In this Newsletter:

1. Resource: free math textbooks
2. Math in Art - Bridges 2012
3. Manga Guide to Linear Algebra review
4. F1gur471v31y 5p34k1ng?
5. Math puzzles
5. Friday math movie
6. Final thought - a 2-letter approach to life

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IntMath Newsletter: Math tools, puzzles, poem

In this Newsletter:

1. Resources - Sketchometry and FluidMath
2. Teaching math with music
3. IntMath polls
4. Math puzzles
5. Friday math movies
6. Final thought - learning to learn

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IntMath Newsletter: Resources, puzzles, stay relevant

In this Newsletter:

1. Resource - Data visualization
2. Resource - MathDisk graphing tool
3. IntMath Poll - math software
4. Math puzzles
5. Friday math movies
6. Final thought - Stay relevant

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IntMath Newsletter: Fish, brain games

In this Newsletter:

1. Modeling fish stocks
2. National Geographic - memory game and brain interactive
3. Scope of the IntMath Newsletter
4. Math puzzles
5. Friday math movies
6. Final thought - Try!

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IntMath Newsletter: Math secrets, TED-ED, puzzles

In this Newsletter:

1. Your math secret
2. TED-ED - Flip your lesson
3. Image conversion project - thank you!
4. Twitter update
5. Math puzzle
6. Friday math movie - The $8 billion iPod
7. Final thought - Apply yourself

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IntMath Newsletter: Radius of curvature, easy math publishing with MathJax

In this Newsletter:

1. Radius of curvature interactive graph
2. Easy math input and nice output using ASCIIMathML and Mathjax
3. Math poll
4. Math puzzles
5. Final thought: Never stop

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IntMath Newsletter: MAM, modulus of complex number, Google Solve for x

In this Newsletter:

1. April is Math Awareness Month
2. Modulus or absolute value of a complex number?
3. Google's "Solve for <x>"
4. IntMath Privacy Statement
5. Math puzzle
6. Friday math movies
7. Final thought - Tenant farmers

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IntMath Newsletter: 3-D conics, interactives, March math

In this Newsletter:

1. Interactive 3-D conic sections graph
2. List of math interactives on
3. Special math events in March
4. Math Puzzles
5. Recent popular tweets
6. Friday math movies
7. Final thought: the greatest mistake

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