Archive for the ‘Mathematics’ Category

Summation notation

summation questionYousuf has trouble understanding a question involving summation notation. After some effort, he gets there!

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Riemann Sums

riemann sumYou can investigate the area under a curve using an interactive graph. This demonstrates Riemann Sums.

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Radians: an introduction

one radianRadians are an important alternative way to measure angles. Radians are more common than degrees in science and engineering applications.

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JSXGraph: interactive javascript graphs

pentagon built with jsxgraphJSXGraph is a method for producing interactive graphs on a Web page, using javascript.

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Logarithms - a visual introduction

logarithm visual explanationLogarithms are just indices written down on the line. Here's a visual explanation of logs.

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Is the Gateway Arch a Parabola?

gateway archThe Gateway Arch looks like a parabola on first glance. But is it?

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Math body art

math written on faceIf you're going to have a tattoo, why not learn something from it? Check out these dedicated math geeks.

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Maximum value of a Poisson Distribution

poissonCan we find the maximum value of the Poisson Distribution using differentiation?

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Factorials and the Gamma function

gammaFactorials are very useful in the field of probability. Can we find factorials of non-integers?

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Tanzalin Method for easier Integration by Parts

Tanzalin Maethod for IntegrationGetting lost doing Integration by parts? Tanzalin Method is easier to follow, but doesn't work for all functions.

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