Archive for the ‘Mathematics’ Category

Math in emails, forums and Web pages using ASCIIMathML

quadraticFrustrated trying to communicate math in emails or in a blog? ASCIIMathML may be your solution.

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When zombies attack - a mathematical model

zombie-3This article uses math to predict what will happen if there is a zombie outbreak.

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Math and the dating game - The Carol Syndrome

Probability explains that curse of the super-beautiful - it's hard to find a mate.

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Eigenvalues produce billionaires

Google's PageRank algorithm is based on matrices - and has made its inventors into multi-billionaires.

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How maths killed Lehman Brothers

lehmanHere's an article from a gifted young mathematician on the credit crunch.

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Who’s Counting - interesting real-life math applications

John Allen Paulos discusses why it is important to understand math in the news.

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Largest known prime: 2^43,112,609 - 1

A 13 million-digit prime was found in 2008. Primes are important in computer security, and if you find one, you can make good money.

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Hubble math

crab-nebulaThe Hubble Space Telescope continues to amaze us with what it reveals about our neighborhood. Here's some math about the Hubble.

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Point of inflection for house prices?

Have UK house prices reached a turn around? What does "point of inflection" mean, anyway?

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Wolfram’s Alpha - a computational knowledge engine

Here's a free online tool that will do algebra, calculus and trigonometry problems, as well as tell you what day of the week you were born!

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