Archive for the ‘Mathematics’ Category

Unicode characters for Chinese and Japanese numbers

Unicode characters use hexadecimal numbers (base 16) to display characters from languages like Japanese, Chinese, and Greek.

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Life expectancy and semi-log graphs

A life table gives us an idea of how much longer we can expect to be around. There are interesting probabilities and semi-log graphs involved.

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Blog Action Day 08 - Poverty

Oct 15 is Blog Action Day and the topic is "poverty". Here's some thoughts on how to reduce it.

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What part of … didn’t you understand?

A mathematical take on that rhetorical question favored by those in authority.

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Another misleading credit card advertisement

Here's another case where a bank offers what seems to be a very good deal - 0% interest on a loan. But let's have a closer look.

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Tools for making a math website

A reader asked what tools I used to produce the Interactive Mathematics site.

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inflationInflation is a concern all over the world right now, but some countries are experiencing uncontrolled hyperinflation. What does hyperinflation mean and what does it look like?

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Google calculator - handy, but not always correct

Google's handy calculator doesn't always get it right, even with simple subtraction.

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Changing people’s lives - with math

I received a delightful mail today from a lady who lives on an isolated island off Europe. She finds Interactive Mathematics a really valuable resource for teaching her daughter mathematics and for escaping the poverty trap.

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Google search, math and latent semantic analysis

There is sophisticated math going on behind the scenes when you perform a search on Google. It involves a technique called latent semantic analysis which is based on matrix operations.

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