Archive for the ‘Mathematics’ Category

Math in computer game development

Behind every computer game lie many applications of mathematics.

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Fractal Science Kit

fractalThis fractal was created using a new generator called Fractal Science Kit. It's worth checking out.

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The locus and the ellipse

ellipse0A reader from Chile provides an explanation of the locus of the center of an ellipse which moves such that it is tangent to the positive x- and y-axes.

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It’s obscene when…

ronaldinhoThis guy earns around $14,000 per hour, while a Cambodian teacher earns around 20 cents per hour.

There is something very wrong with this picture.

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guitar detailThere's a lot more to vectors than just forces and velocities.

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Database of Happiness

Gini coefficient for different countriesCan we measure a country’s level of happiness? Can we properly compare the happiness of different countries?

What does it mean to be happy, anyway?

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Equal areas of a circle gives nice art

dividing a circle into equal partsHere's some nice geometry. It's a way to divide a circle into equal areas, using a pair of compasses and a ruler only.

And it's not bad art, either.

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Greek graffiti

Pi - rock graffitiGraffiti in Greece looks very mathematical - even rather nerdy in places.

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Some cool number patterns - and how to give 100%

Cool number patternsHere's some interesting number patterns - they could be good for a party trick!

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Where did matrices and determinants come from?


Why do we have matrices and where do we use them? We learn the Chinese developed them long before the West.

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