Facebook, Dunbar’s Number and current killer apps
Dunbar's Number is a theoretical best size for meaningful communities. There are interesting implications for social networking sites like Facebook and also for online education.
Dunbar's Number is a theoretical best size for meaningful communities. There are interesting implications for social networking sites like Facebook and also for online education.
Crowd control engineers suggested to the Saudi authorities that ellipse-shaped walls surrounding the 3 stoning pillars would make the annual Hajj more safe.
Wanting a lucrative career path? Try the security industry in Maryland, USA.
This is an interesting tutorial on how matrices are used in Flash animations.
Here are 10 interesting 3D math/physics simulations from Prentice Hall.
Here's some mathematical background to the matrix operations applet here on IntMath. It involves matrix addition, subtraction, product and inverse.
Algebrator is an interesting product - but I'm not sure that I can recommend it.
Carnival of Mathematics #20 has an interesting array of topics from 14 contributors, covering math education, number theory, computing, Internet and videos. Enjoy.
The Integrator allows the user to input a mathematical expression and it outputs the indefinite integral.
Swivel allows the user to upload their own data and to visualize it in various ways. There are some interesting "featured graphs".
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