Greek fonts in LiveMath
Sometimes the LiveMath plugin replaces normal fonts with Greek characters.
Sometimes the LiveMath plugin replaces normal fonts with Greek characters.
Why do we have so many incompatible power plugs? I'm all for standard plugs, voltages and so on, just like weights and measures should be standardized on the metric system.
The history of wealth creation is quite fascinating. What is money, anyway?
I have always been interested in the close connection between math and music.
A funny math T-shirt company has some great gift ideas for that math geek in your life.
Here are some laws which Newton may have written if he was alive today...
A reader of Interactive Mathematics found a rounding error in my Flash-based mortgage calculator.
The Kane Dead Reckoning Computer was a clever combination of two slide rules - a circular one and a linear one. It helped pilots to perform calculations.
I came across this interesting article recently - "Evaluation Check List for Free Math Web Sites". How does my "Interactive Mathematics" site stack up?
Hey Dubya, how many billion dollars a month did you say you were spending in Iraq...?
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