Archive for the ‘Mathematics’ Category

Units: Calories and kilograms

Le Grand K with inch ruler
How many calories? and the way the kilogram was defined has been in place since 1799. It recently got a makeover.

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Spiral around a hyperboloid - the Effekt bridge

spiral around hyperboloid
We explore how to find the equations for a spiral around a hyperboloid.

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Infinite series background

binomial series interactive applet background
Infinite series have played an important role in the development of mathematics, especially calculus. Here's some background to some applets I wrote recently.

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The object with finite volume but infinite surface area

Gabriel's Horm
This object has a weird property - it has finite volume, but infinite surface area. How is this possible?

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Double springs interactive graph

revised double springs applet
The revised double spring applet now allows exploration on mobile devices. Here is some background.

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Frequency of notes on a piano - interactive learning object

piano and combined signal
Explore piano note frequencies in this interactive learning object, combining trig graphs and exponential growth.

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New applet: What does b do in a quadratic function?

Value of b in a quadratic function
y = ax2 + bx + c is a parabola. Changing the variables a and c are fairly simple, but what does b actually change, and by how much?

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New applet: Domain and range investigation

domain and range applet
This interactive applet allows you to explore the concepts of domain and range for several different mathematical functions.

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What’s the correct graph of sec(arccos(x))?

What is the graph of y = sec(arccos(x))?
Here we solve another graph mystery - what is the correct domain for y = sec(arccos(x))? And why do different software packages show similar, but different graphs?

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SquareCirclez is a “Top 100” math blog!

SquareCirclez in Top 100 Math Blogs collection
I was humbled this week to receive notice that SquareCirclez (the IntMath Blog) has been included in a list of the "Top 100 Math Blogs".

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