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Friday math movie - Pi Day

By Murray Bourne, 14 Mar 2008

To celebrate Pi Day, this week we have some clips from the 1998 movie "Pi".

Pi Day is on March 14th, since the date (3/14) is reminiscent of the first 3 digits of the number pi. Here's pi to 15 decimal places:

3.141 592 653 589 793...

On with the movie.

Pi (Math is Everywhere)

Numerology is important in most religions. In this clip, we see how numbers are used through Jewish scripture:

Pi Mathematics

I like the stark black-and-white nature of this brooding music clip:

See the 6 Comments below.

6 Comments on “Friday math movie - Pi Day”

  1. It’s pi day! » Fun Math Blog says:

    [...] at SquareCircleZ, has TWO posts relevant to Pi Day, one with some clips from the 1998 movie, Pi, and some Math tips in today’s IntMath [...]

  2. Murray says:

    Thanks for the enlightening review of Pi, Vlorbik. You made an good point about the relative costs of movie making.

    There is something insane about making mega-blockbusters that cost mega-bucks, especially when we have mega real problems that could be easily solved with those mega-bucks...

  3. sindhu says:

    the videos are no longer available, please post alternatives?

  4. Murray says:

    Hello Sindhu

    I just tried all 3 movies on this page just now and they are all working fine for me.

    Anyone else having trouble?

    And Sindhu, thanks for the mention of squareCircleZ on your "blag"!

    [Actually, you can recite lots of digits of pi, if you really want to ^_^ ]

  5. deathendz says:

    omg there is vulgarities in there.... this is supposed to be an educational website im only 12 i was not supposed to hear that

  6. Murray says:

    Oops - sorry about that, deathendz. I should have a warning about it...

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