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Not Knot (Parts 1 and 2)

By Murray Bourne, 30 Sep 2007

Not Knot is a good thinking trigger.

I enjoyed topology when I studied it and I still remember trying to imagine multi-dimensional spaces and then having to draw them on a highly inadequate 2 dimensional piece of paper.

According to the Not Knot blurb on YouTube:

Not Knot is a guided tour into computer-animated hyperbolic space. It proceeds from the world of knots to their complementary spaces -- what's not a knot. Profound theorems of recent mathematics show that most known complements carry the structure of hyperbolic geometry, a geometry in which the sum of three angles of a triangle always is less than 180 degrees.

Here's Part 1:

Now for Part 2:

See the 1 Comment below.

One Comment on “Not Knot (Parts 1 and 2)”

  1. Darmok says:

    You may not have noticed it, but we're escorting you into Lobachevskian—or hyperbolic—geometry ...

    As a matter of fact, I didn't notice it...but then again, I have never heard of Lobachevskian geometry. Absolutely fascinating videos, though! I am going to have to ponder this and then watch them again.

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