Archive for the ‘Math movies’ Category

Friday math movie: Smart failure for a fast-changing world

Smart failure
We don't deal with failure properly in most educational settings. This talk gives some options for improving that.

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Friday math movie: Imaginary Number

Imaginary numbers
Imaginary numbers are the result of some mathematical creativity, but have many applications in science and engineering.

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Friday math movie: A clever way to estimate enormous numbers

Making estimates using powers of 10This video shows how to use powers of 10 to make estimates of large numbers.

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Friday math movie: Fractals and African designs

African fractal designsThis is an interesting story about how Africans used fractal ideas for their designs.

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Friday math movie: The beautiful math of coral (and crochet)

The math of coralHow do we get the message out about saving corals from destruction? Here's one way involving community crochet.

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Friday math movie: Fermat’s Last Theorem

Fermat's Last Theorem
Here's a great story involving an intriguing proof that spans over 350 years.

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Friday math movie: How does math guide our ships at sea?

How math guides ships at seaHere's an important use of mathematics in the real world - navigation at sea. We learn about dead reckoning, sextants, clocks and new mathematics.

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Friday math movie: How big is infinity?

InfinityThis is a really interesting mind experiment. You may even find yourself re-thinking your concept of infinity.

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Friday math movie: Donald in Mathmagic Land

Donald in Mathmagic Land
This is a classic late-1950s cartoon where Donald learns where math comes from.

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Friday math movie: Fractals - Hunting the Hidden Dimension

See this PBS documentary about the development of fractals and how they are used in computer graphics.

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