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Graphical question [Solved!]

My question


In the above given triangle when `theta` = 0 then b=c
But when `theta` = 90 then d=0
Since d is the projection of b
How we can derive a generalised formula for d or c-d with respect to `theta`
Plese may kindly be elaborated.

Relevant page

1. Distance Formula

What I've done so far


<img src="/forum/uploads/imf-3408-triangle-question-image2.png" width="208" height="104" alt="trigonometric-graphs" />

In the above given triangle when `theta` = 0 then b=c
But when `theta`  = 90 then d=0
Since d is the projection of b
How we can derive a generalised formula for d or c-d with respect to `theta` 
Plese may kindly be elaborated.
Relevant page

<a href="/plane-analytic-geometry/1-distance-formula.php">1. Distance Formula</a>

What I've done so far

Re: Graphical question

Hello mfaisal

I can't see any working, so I'm not sure where you are getting stuck. Always show some steps so we can better help you.

The question seems a bit strange to me. Surely if `b=c`. then it won't matter what the angle `theta` is?


Hello mfaisal

I can't see any working, so I'm not sure where you are getting stuck. Always show some steps so we can better help you.

The question seems a bit strange to me. Surely if `b=c`. then it won't matter what the angle `theta` is?

Re: Graphical question

mfaisal did not reply.

A generalised formula would need to use trigonometry, I believe, something like

`tan theta = h/d`

I'm not sure there is any more "generalised" way to answer it.


mfaisal did not reply.

A generalised formula would need to use trigonometry, I believe, something like

`tan theta = h/d`

I'm not sure there is any more "generalised" way to answer it.


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