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What is Circumscribe in Geometry? 

In geometry, the term circumscribe refers to a specific type of figure or shape. To circumscribe means to draw a line or curve around an object so as to completely enclose it. This line or curve is called the circumference of the shape. Let’s take a closer look at how this works. 

How it Works 

In order to properly circumscribe a figure, you must first find its center point. A circle can be used as an example here since it has one central point and all points on the circumference are equidistant from that central point. Once the center point has been located, you can then begin drawing the circumference of the circle by slowly moving your pencil outward from that center point in equal increments until you have reached the desired diameter. This creates a smooth, even line around your shape that can be used for a variety of mathematical purposes. 

Circumscribing Figures with Multiple Points 

When dealing with figures with multiple points or sides, such as rectangles and polygons, circumscribing them becomes slightly more complicated but still follows similar principles. You must first locate all of the points on the figure, then draw lines connecting each of these points in clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation until you have enclosed the entire figure within one continuous line or curve. This process should create an unbroken path around your shape which will form its circumference and enable you to complete any given geometry problem using this information.  


Circumscribing shapes is an essential part of geometry and understanding how this process works can help students better understand many different types of problems they may encounter in their studies. With some practice, understanding how to properly calculate and draw circumscribed figures should become second nature for any budding mathematician! Knowing how to use this concept will also provide students with a strong foundation for any advanced mathematics courses they may take in college or university. Finally, mastering this concept can help students gain confidence in their math skills and provide them with another tool when tackling complex mathematical problems!


What do you mean by circumscribed?

Circumscribed means to draw a line or curve around an object so as to completely enclose it. This line or curve is called the circumference of the shape.

What are figures that can be circumscribed?

Figures that can be circumscribed include circles, rectangles, polygons, and other shapes with multiple points.

How does a circumscribed circle work?

In order to properly circumscribe a circle, you must first find its center point. Once the center point has been located, you can then begin drawing the circumference of the circle by slowly moving your pencil outward from that center point in equal increments until you have reached the desired diameter. This creates a smooth, even line around your shape which can be used for a variety of mathematical purposes.

How do you circumscribe a triangle?

In order to circumscribe a triangle, you must first locate all of the points on the figure, then draw lines connecting each of these points in clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation until you have enclosed the entire figure within one continuous line or curve. This process should create an unbroken path around your shape which will form its circumference and enable you to complete any given geometry problem using this information.

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