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Step-by-step solutions with live tutoring. Over 1 Million math problems solved.

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Math Lessons
I am a 60 y/o RN trying to finish my BSN, and due to the horrible math programs I grew up with in CA have been on quite a journey to remediate from the beginning! A journey it has been with now 4 unit classes in this state and horrible programs. Currently I am enrolled in an online course through Westcott. I am making progress and will break through this barrier because of people like you that understand the problem and are good at teaching. Thank you for your service! You ARE making a difference. 😎

What students, parents and educators are saying

Samantha B.
Paying a tutor per hour was stressful. Intmath online math tutoring was easy, super fast and 100% accurate! Really helped me in a pinch with Calculus. Bumped up my grade a full letter.
AP High School Student
Sam C.
The math tutor I worked with was reliable and fast. I have no doubt to use them again should I encounter a hard mathematics problem.
High School Student
Lauren A.
I always get a super fast response, no matter the time or day. Top of my algebra class! Great tutors!
Computer Science Major
Mary L.
My math tutor helped a ton with my statistics and probabilities homework for a data science course.
Not only the concepts being interactive make them easier to understand through visualization, but how the concepts are explained through words and questions(and solutions) also make learning very effective, efficient and interesting.
Student from Australia
This site is superb. It clearly identifies the problems students have with maths and through a step by step guide, outlines the right methods and procedures needed in answering the questions. Thank you Interactive Maths!
Criminal Justice Student
Raul R.
My experience was amazing. Math is a very weak area for me and to be able to get the help in math 24/7 provided by top tutors is amazing. I would definitely recommend students to sign up and believe they will get better help here than anywhere else. You guys are an A+

What students, parents and educators are saying

Murray, a very good Website! I've rarely seen such good explanations and it helps me really teaching my pupils. Additionally I am handing out the link to your page to them (mostly refugees with a broken learning career). Kind regards Andreas
- Andreas
I am a 60 y/o RN trying to finish my BSN, and due to the horrible math programs I grew up with in CA have been on quite a journey to remediate from the beginning! A journey it has been with now 4 unit classes in this state and horrible programs. Currently I am enrolled in an online course through Westcott. I am making progress and will break through this barrier because of people like you that understand the problem and are good at teaching. Thank you for your service! You ARE making a difference. ?
- Valerie
You do great service. IntMath is a helpful tool and the format is very straight forward. I wish we had tools like this when I was in school.
- Marisol
I find IntMath very resourceful. Your explanations are simple, clear and factual. They address most of the challenges learners face in understanding mathematics.
- Francis Luvayo
Not only the concepts being interactive make them easier to understand through visualization, but how the concepts are explained through words and questions(and solutions) also make learning very effective, efficient and interesting.
- Ali
Awesome! Thank you for sharing and explaining this well. It has helped prepare for my final.
- Lucy

Math AI

A special large language model that excels at math
Math trained ai model for better results

We taken standard LLMs a step further and specifically trained our model for enhanced accuracy in mathematics

AI + Computational Engine = Better Accuracy

We pair our math LLM with a computational engine for additional improvements in solution accuracy

AI paired with Human Math Tutors

Students can pull in qualified math tutors at any time for additional assistance.

why intmath and not others?

why intmath is your go-to tool

Get better explanations to math solutions.
ChatGPT answers are less helpful and can be filled with inaccuracies.
IntMath answers are detailed with step-by-step instructions. Ask follow up questions, graph answers, ask a tutor and more!
Detailed step-by-step solutions
Image upload option
Live tutor chat
Quizzes, flash cards, and more!

PDF Solver - solve EVERYTHING

Drag any PDF with math problems and select the math problems you need help with and with one click get solutions to all of them.
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How it works

Type or upload
Type out the math problem or upload an image of the problem.
Get fast results
Lightening fast step-by-step math solutions.
Step-by-step solution
All the details you need. No ChatGPT answers here, just the detailed step-by-step solution.

Help for students:

Better grades

We're dedicated to help you get better grades! Our innovative tools optimize study habits, foster understanding, and ensure academic and personal success. Grow with us!

Chat with a tutor
about any Math problem

We have qualified math tutors available 24/7 to help you with math homework or test prep. If you need more than our AI Math Solver, than our tutors are just a click away and always available to assist.

Membership pricing

$0 / month
Ideal for students and educators that are just looking for a solution for a couple of math problems.
What you get:
3 math solutions
Step-by-step solutions
$9.95 / month
Use our tool to the fullest and have unlimited math solutions with follow ups, student perks and more.
What you get:
Unlimited math solutions
Step-by-step solutions
Student perks
100% Satisfaction
$95 / month
Perfect for students ready to take their math education and grades to the next level.
What you get:
24/7 Tutoring assistance
Unlimited math solutions
Step-by-step solutions
Student perks
Unlimited follow-up questions
100% Satisfaction guarantee
$0 / month
Ideal for students and educators that are just looking for a solution for a couple of math problems.
What you get:
3 math solutions
Step-by-step solutions
$9.95 $3.99 / month
Use our tool to the fullest and have unlimited math solutions with follow ups, student perks and more.
What you get:
Unlimited math solutions
Step-by-step solutions
Student perks
100% Satisfaction
$95 $38 / month
Perfect for students ready to take their math education and grades to the next level.
What you get:
24/7 Tutoring assistance
Unlimited math solutions
Step-by-step solutions
Student perks
Unlimited follow-up questions
100% Satisfaction guarantee

Frequently asked questions

Now, we can't guarantee you'll get better grades, since the AI Math Solver is only half of the success equation, but the majority of students who use the application report full letter grade improvements in their grades. Most see improvements in their homework grades immediately.

Our application is available 24/7 and will start working on a solution immediately after you send it. The time it takes to solve each problem depends on the complexity of the problem. The application will post a step-by-step solution.


The AI Math Solver is free to try and powered by our proprietary mathematical computation engine and AI, while our Tutoring Service enables students to chat with professional (human) math tutors.

Yes, the AI has been trained on physics concepts and problems. However, if it can't answer a question, we recommend subscribing to our Tutoring Service to connect with a physics tutor.

Yes, the application is optimized for mobile and tablet. There's no need to download another app onto your phone, but an internet connection is required.

Yes, simply tap or click the camera icon next to the “Solve” button in the application, then select the image. If you're on your phone, you can open your camera to immediately take a picture of your math problem. The application can interpret most handwritten or typed math problems.

Yes, it's free to try! You can ask 3 questions for free before reaching the free question limit.

The AI LLM has been trained on a large array of mathematical subjects including, but not limited to, Basic Algebra, Advanced Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Physics, and much more.

Yep! The AI LLM covers a wide range of mathematical subjects, including Basic Algebra, Advanced Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Physics, and more.

You can cancel your subscription easily in several ways:

  1. Log in, go to the Manage Account tab, then click the Cancel Plan button.
  2. Click the cancel plan link in your sign-up email.
  3. If you can't find it or no longer have it, just send us an email at [email protected] and we'd be happy to assist you.

Yes, you certainly can! You can change your subscription by accessing the Manage Account page within the application or using the link provided in your sign-up email. If you can't find it or no longer have it, just send us an email at [email protected] or ask your tutor for assistance — they will be happy to help.

You can view the price of our subscription packages here. We're also providing freebies and exclusive deals from our large network of high-quality partners. We obsess over the details to ensure you get 10x more value than the price tag!

Yep! The AI LLM is trained on a wide array of mathematical subjects, including Calculus and Advanced Calculus.

Yep! The AI LLM covers Geometry among other subjects.
P.S. We're currently working to enable in-app graphing to accompany solutions.

Yep! The AI LLM is equipped to handle Trigonometry problems as well.

Yes! The AI LLM can solve a wide range of mathematical problems, including simple equations.

Yes! The AI LLM has been trained on a vast array of mathematical problems and subjects.

Simply upload an image of your math problem or enter it manually and click Solve. Our AI math problem-solving calculator will provide a step-by-step solution with the answer.

Yes! Our AI math word problem solver will provide a step-by-step solution and answer to any word problem.

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