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Send an email containing math symbols and equations! (Beta)

Use this page to easily create math that can be sent in an email.

The idea is you create your math on this page (it usess javascript) then get the system to create images of that math. Then you copy-paste your mail into your email system, like Gmail or Yahoo.


The display on the right updates when you press the <Enter> key on your keyboard, and it shows the resulting math. You can change my sample mail to whatever you want.

When entering math, remember to surround it with the backtick symbol (`), NOT the apostrophe ().

See how to type math (syntax for ASCIIMath. Opens in a new window.)

Important: You may get an error on the following "Preview" page:

"Latex failed, probably due to an error in your expression."

If so, try using more brackets around the key parts of your expressions. For example, try (x/y) rather than x/y.

Note 1: This math for emails system is in beta. Please forgive any strangeness and let me know if you have trouble.

Note 2: This system supports ASCIIMath and simple LaTeX input.

Note 3: You can't use any HTML tags, like <strong> or <a href=...>, sorry. They will be stripped out.

Note 4: You can't use any Chinese, Japanese or Korean characters in your math expression. The formula will look OK below, but when you go to create images (the next step), it will fail because this system doesn't have ctex, which is necessary to render such characters. Sorry about that.

Note 5: Similarly, you can't use any special math font characters (like \mathcal or \mathbb) in your math expression. Once again, the formula will look OK below, but will fail at the image creation step because this system doesn't have ctex. Suggestion: You could always take a screen shot of the expression containing special font characters from this page and paste that into your email.

Enter your message here:

How your mail will look:

(converts math to images, ready to paste in an email)

Further Information

See a more extensive list of ASCIIMath syntax for those special symbols you're looking for.

Enter math in emails, forums and Web pages using ASCIIMath.

MathJax - render math on the Web on all browsers (this page originally used MathJax)

Comparison of jsMath ASCIIMathML, PHPMathPublisher, MathJax and MathTeX


Thank you to:

  • Peter Jipsen of Chapman University for ASCIIMathML ("Easily produce good-looking math formulas on webpages using a simple calculator-style syntax")
  • The team who created KaTEX

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