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Genetic Algorithm [Solved!]

My question

Sir, since it is a linear programming problem; Is it possible to use Genetic Algorithm to solve transportation problems? If yes sir, please can you showcase the example?
Thank you Sir.

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What I've done so far

I learned that Genetic Algorithms are research method based on natural selection and Genetic.


Sir, since it is a linear programming problem; Is it possible to use Genetic Algorithm to solve transportation problems? If yes sir, please can you showcase the example? 
   Thank you Sir.
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What I've done so far

I learned that Genetic Algorithms are research method based on natural selection and Genetic.

Re: Genetic Algorithm

Your question is beyond the scope of the IntMath topics. (I don't even have a section on linear programming yet - hopefully soon!)

My understanding is that the Genetic Algorithm is only suitable for small parts of a system (not whole systems) because the complexity (and storage requirements) increase rapidly with increases in complexity. So it may be possible to optimize one bus route, but not a whole bus system, for example.

But I claim no expertise in this field.

Perhaps another reader may be able to give input?


Your question is beyond the scope of the IntMath topics. (I don't even have a section on linear programming yet - hopefully soon!)

My understanding is that the Genetic Algorithm is only suitable for small parts of a system (not whole systems) because the complexity (and storage requirements) increase rapidly with increases in complexity. So it may be possible to optimize one bus route, but not a whole bus system, for example.

But I claim no expertise in this field.

Perhaps another reader may be able to give input?

Re: Genetic Algorithm

Thank you very much sir.


Thank you very much sir.


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