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How to obtain 0.84? [Solved!]

My question

In Example 1 on the page, how do you obtain 0.84? Please show calculation for common mortals. Thank you.

Relevant page

3. Graphs of y = a sin(bx + c) and y = a cos(bx + c)

What I've done so far

Read other examples, tried substituting


In Example 1 on the page, how do you obtain 0.84? Please show calculation for common mortals. Thank you.
Relevant page

<a href="/trigonometric-graphs/3-graphs-sin-cos-phase-shift.php">3. Graphs of <span class="noWrap">y = a sin(bx + c)</span> and <span class="noWrap">y = a cos(bx + c)</span></a>

What I've done so far

Read other examples, tried substituting

Re: How to obtain 0.84?

Hello L. Aureli

The `0.84` comes from substituting `x = 0` into `y = sin(2x + 1)`, that is `y = sin(0+1) = sin 1.`

Using calculator, `sin 1 = 0.84` (you must be in radians.)

Hope that makes sense.



Hello L. Aureli

The `0.84` comes from substituting `x = 0` into `y = sin(2x + 1)`, that is `y = sin(0+1) = sin 1.`

Using calculator, `sin 1 = 0.84` (you must be in radians.)

Hope that makes sense.


Re: How to obtain 0.84?

Doh - I was in degrees and couldn't get 0.84.

Thanks a lot.


Doh - I was in degrees and couldn't get 0.84.

Thanks a lot.


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